Please refer to the information and links below for local food assistance resources. We will continue to update this page as we receive new updates.
- San Francisco Unified School District is offering free meals to all children, available for pickup twice a week.
- Map and list of sites (Google Map)
- Flyer of sites in multiple languages: Arabic, Chinese, English, Spanish, Tagalog, Vietnamese
- Each bag includes meals for multiple days: breakfast, lunch, supper, fresh fruit, vegetables, milk, and any necessary preparation guides.
- SF and Marin Food Bank locator:
- Find Free Food
- Home Delivered Groceries – Currently available only in San Francisco to low-income seniors, age 60 and over, and adults with disabilities
- Phone: (415) 282-1900 x 287
- Project Open Hand will continue to deliver meals to elderly who meet their criteria (recent surgery, CAD, HepC, CHF, COPD, A1c >8%, and HIV/AIDS) and adults with disabilities. They may extend services to provide medically tailored meals to economically-disadvantaged patients diagnosed with COVID-19.
- Application, referral form – we can take verbal authorization from patients in place of their signature on the application form.
- CalFresh: per their website it will take about 10 minutes
- Other Directory:
- 2nd Harvest Food Bank (San Mateo and Santa Clara):
- Phone: 1 (800) 984 – 3663
- Alameda Food Bank:
- Phone: (510) 523-5850
- Free Eats
- Updated 3/20/2020 – does not include meals served once/twice a month
- Personally Verified 3/20/2020 List
- 2nd Harvest Food Bank (San Mateo and Santa Clara):