Goodwill Donation Locations: What You Need to Know

By it admin

Do you have stuff to donate? If you have been patiently waiting to drop things off at Goodwill, you might be wondering how your donation experience will look different, which donation locations are open, and which items are being accepted. Follow these tips to donate to Goodwill safely:

No-Contact Drop Off Process

Goodwill is prioritizing the health and safety of donors and customer service representatives with a new no-contact drop off process. All Goodwill employees are required to wear personal protective equipment (PPE) and direct donors from a distance. Watch the full video below for the step-by-step process:

Where can I find a Goodwill drop off near me?

Goodwill of San Francisco, San Mateo and Marin Counties is taking a phased approach and reopening select retail stores and donation centers across their three counties. Due to limited space and capacity, they are communicating specific location updates on their website. Some store locations are unable to accept donations at this time:

Goodwill Donation Centers, Days & Hours of Operation

Goodwill Retail Stores, Days & Hours of Operation

What can I donate to Goodwill?

soft line and hard line donation categories

Currently, Goodwill is not able to accept any furniture. If you visit the SF Goodwill website, you will find pages outlining, “What can I donate?” and “Items we cannot accept.” Remember to separate your items into hard line and soft line donations prior to visiting a donation center near you. Watch the video below to learn what items we say “yes” to and what items we say “no” to:

Can you just drop things off at Goodwill?

Goodwill is requesting that donors only drop off items at reopened locations during the designated days and hours of operation. The Bay Area nonprofit has been having a dumping issue at closed retail stores and donation centers. Goodwill kindly asks that you first check the website to identify an open location near you and if you do not see a customer service representative present at the location, do not leave your donations there. Donation dumping is harmful to the local neighborhoods and forces Goodwill’s currently limited staff to deviate from their production schedules to keep the storefronts and donation lots clean and safe. Support Goodwill in their efforts to create a cleaner environment for local people.

Goodwill turns your donations into green jobs. When you donate to Goodwill of San Francisco, San Mateo and Marin Counties you are joining the organization in strengthening communities and the environment through landfill diversion and recycling. You are also supporting Goodwill’s mission to create second chances through training and the dignity of work.

Health, Donate, Sustainability.