We Stand With Our API Community

By it admin

We at SF Goodwill are saddened and outraged by the rise in hate crimes and attacks committed against our Asian and Pacific Islander (API) community members. For far too long, the API community—like all communities of color in this country—has experienced racial and ethnic discrimination and violence.

Asian and Pacific Islanders make up a significant percentage of our Goodwill family. They are our team members, our clients, our customers—as well as are our friends, and fellow neighbors. At SF Goodwill, we reject xenophobia and racism and we condemn these cowardly acts of hate and violence. No one should feel fearful leaving their home or carrying out normal daily activities simply because of who they are. An attack against one is an attack against us all, and we stand united with our API community to defeat racial and ethnic hatred and violence.

Reckless, desperate leaders who have resorted to scapegoating and racist rhetoric have inflamed anti-API bigotry over the past year—but these prejudices are not new. Anti-API racism has reared its ugly head throughout our nation’s history, whether through the Chinese Exclusion Act, Japanese Internment, or the deeply misguided reactions about who is responsible for the current pandemic. Bigotry toward the API community is also inextricably entangled with other forms of racism, such as “model minority” myths. To stop anti-API hate we all must dismantle racism in all its forms.

SF Goodwill’s purpose is to break cycles of poverty and discrimination through education, training, and the power and dignity of work. We are committed to advancing equity by offering resources, opportunities, and life-sustaining employment to underserved populations. Our training and career pathways build a bridge to employment through relevant workforce skills and confidence that lead to self-sufficiency. The dignity of work also requires a foundation of basic dignity for all people.

SF Goodwill’s mission is unequivocally tied to the fight against systemic racism and oppression. For over 100 years, our nonprofit organization has fought for economic equity for racially and economically marginalized communities. We work to give people the tools they need to break down the barriers standing between them and self-sufficiency—Systemic and ingrained racism is a barrier. As long as this barrier remains, our work will continue.

Please rise with us as we stand with our API community.

In Solidarity,

William Rogers,

President & CEO



Stop AAPI Hate

Oakland Chinatown Chamber of Commerce

Oakland Chinatown Coalition

Asian Americans Advancing Justice

AAAJ – Asian Law Caucus
