Ramp to retail class standing in front of SF Goodwill Career Center

Three Ways to Unwind & Be Kind

By it admin

Finally, the three-day weekend we’ve all been waiting for! We made it through the holidays and into the new year, trying to get completely settled in January was challenging to say the least. With climate emergencies and a global virus outbreak in the first month of 2020, we are already long overdue for some self-care! Not only is February 17th Presidents Day, it’s also Random Acts of Kindness Day

At SF Goodwill we believe in lending a hand up to people in our local communities. In the words of our sixth President, John Quincy Adams, “If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader.” 

When you take care of your community, you’re also taking care of yourself. We encourage you to lead in kindness on Random Acts of Kindness Day

  1. Give the gift of a Second Chance: Most people need a second chance to get back on their feet. Show those close to you that you’re there to lift them up and not tear them down. Share community resources like the SF Goodwill Career Center with people you know facing barriers to a career path in the Bay Area.

2. You can trash it or hug it goodbye: Take the Marie Kondo approach when saying goodbye to clothes in your closet that no longer spark joy. Consider taking a green approach and putting your gently used items back into a cycle of reuse. Drop off clothes at your local SF Goodwill donation center. Looking out for the planet goes hand in hand with looking out for the people.

smiling donor and donation attendant at drive through donation center

3. Treat yourself AND your community: In the words of Tom Haverford and Donna Meagle of Parks and Recreation, “Treat yo self!” Treat yourself to thrifted treasures that give back to the local community. Ninety percent of every dollar spent at an SF Goodwill thrift store funds job training programs for people in need of a second chance.

rack of second hand coats at 750 Post St store

Unwind and be kind today and every day! Think of the small ways you can create a big impact in the lives of others. In the words of an SF Goodwill Donation Supervisor, Gio, “Goodwill’s training opens a lot of doors.” Gio appreciates that Goodwill is different from other companies due to its ‘earn while you learn’ model. In 2015, Gio migrated from the Philippines, seeking a better life to support his wife and five children back home. His training at Goodwill has given him highly marketable skills, in particular hazmat training, warehouse and logistics, and forklift training. One act of kindness can go a long way.

Don’t forget to tag us at your next donation center or store visit @sfgoodwill #SFGWSecondChances #BuyBeforeItsBye

Stories, Donate.