By it admin
Tuesday, May 19, 2020
The SF Goodwill chapter operates three thrift stores in Marin, and due to the “shelter in place” order, Goodwill is being hit especially hard economically. SF Goodwill encompasses Marin, San Francisco and San Mateo counties and employs more than 500 employees, making this chapter ineligible for the federal Paycheck Protection Program (PPP). Without the help of this program, Goodwill has been forced to furlough employees who rely on their Goodwill jobs for security and ability to provide for their families. Marin Independent Journal reporter, Richard Halstead, covered the story and interviewed SF Goodwill President and CEO, William Rogers.
Please consider donating to our Second Chance Employee Relief Fund to sustain the SF Goodwill mission to create second chances through training and the dignity of work.
Click here to read the Marin Independent Journal article, written by Richard Halstead.