mother and daughter meditating at home together

Keeping Busy Without Technology

By it admin

With the current global situation of COVID-19 and San Francisco’s “shelter-in-place” ordinance, our community is banding together to stay home to keep each other healthy and safe. Chances are that figuring out how to keep ourselves busy at home is more difficult than you previously imagined. It may be easy for some of us to just turn on the television or stream our favorite Netflix shows for hours. However, sometimes, we need to take some time away from technology and refresh our minds. Here are some tips to keep busy at home without the need for technology: 

1. Stay active and exercise. Working from home or taking care of your loved ones and yourself doesn’t have to mean that you are sitting at your desk chair or on your couch all day. Planning time in your day to be active is a great way to step away from work and get your body moving and your heart pumping!  Or do a couple of yoga poses if that is where your mind and heart is right now. Whether you prefer to calm your mind with yoga or sweat it out with HIIT (high intensity interval training), exercising for just 30 minutes a day will make you feel more refreshed and may even increase your work productivity. 

2. Read a book. Nowadays, we tend to rely on portable e-books or tablets to have multiple books with us wherever we go. Now that we are home, this is the best time to forget about electronics and pick up actual books. Dig up your favorite book from years ago or choose a new book that you’ve had sitting on the bookshelf. According to a 2009 study from the University of Sussex (, reading a book for just 6 minutes a day can reduce stress. Pick up any book sitting on your shelf, make some tea, get comfortable on your sofa and transport yourself into the reality of your favorite story.  

woman reading a book

3. Complete a DIY project. With all this time at home, it may be the perfect time to complete that home project you have been wanting to finish. Take the time to reorganize your home or create some new DIY wall and shelf décor. If you have all the supplies you need already, all you have to do is put on some music or your favorite podcast and get working!  

kids working on a diy project

4. Have a game night. If you are staying at home with family, friends or roommates, that means you always have companions for a game night! From Pictionary to Monopoly to Scrabble, there are numerous games to play and have fun in your house. Make teams or play individually. You can even play and make non-monetary bets! For example, losers have to wash the dishes or cook dinner for the next night. Game night can be successful in so many ways. It’s all up to whatever and however you want to play! 


Our everyday lives can become so hectic trying to balance workfamily life, and a social life. It is hard to find personal time to relax and de-stress. The current situation has given us the time we didn’t know we needed to recover and refresh. Think positively and make the best out of this time we have at homeTogether, as a community, we can help each other get through this. 

As a social enterprise, SF Goodwill is unlike typical nonprofits, who rely almost exclusively on philanthropic contributions. We earn 75% of what we need to operate. With the “shelter-in-place” orders in our three-county service area, this critical revenue stream has suddenly and unexpectedly vanished, putting over 500 jobs in jeopardy. If you are able to, please consider donating to our Second Chance Employee Relief Fund.
